May Leeds Cruise by Matt Smith

The May Leeds Cruise always clashes with the Springnats, which means the turnout is usually down on normal. The weather was great though, warm and sunny all evening (as opposed to Drayton Manor) so it was pretty full. There were a few of the regular hot rods there which was surprising as I thought they'd be at Drayton.  

This 60's Mustang was a killer. Lowered just right, ARE's and a stunning red paint job. The body was completely standard.


Louie Turner's '32 Ford 3 window coupe looks stunning every time it comes out, along with Phil Mallis' red '34 Coupe.


F100 was nicely done though I think it needs bigger front wheels, as the seem a bit lost. Nice parts hauler tho.


51 Ford is a cruise regular from the North Yorkshire hot rodders, it was for sale for £7500 and we were tempted but my mum said no :-(.


Bright orange pop was a cool cruiser, had a full 4 seater interior aswell I think.


Full fendered '32 3 Window coupe has been to the cruise a few times. It has a very 90s style which I love.


Al brought his Sierra along again, it looks mental on the road.


Richard Coles was showing off the engine on his superb '65 Mustang. Its currently for sale I think, if anybody is interested.


Another one showing off their engine was this Mercury Monterey.


Pro Street Mk2 Cortina runs a Rover V8.


I think this is an Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible, I made a mental note of the name on the night but have since forgotten it.........must be a pretty rare car.


This Chevelle was here last month, no idea one specs but the slotty's are great.


Brighouse Speed & Automotive indicates that this truck is owned by one of the Billadeau's. Another cool parts hauler.


Studebaker Avanti's are pretty weird (and rare) cars but I love the shape.  

  Another red car with slotty's lol. This one's a Ford Gran Tornino.


GMC pickup and Plymouth wagon are regulars.

Anyway that will do for now. Next report will be the Sheffield Cruise on June 28th.

See ya

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